

?2-3h delivery time.
?4h delivery time.
?6h delivery time.
  • Total: $0.00




This service includes leveling up your character from level 60 to level 70.
Order is usually started within 30 minutes after payment is completed.
Leveling will be done through quests and dungeons.
We don’t use any programs or bots. All orders are done by hand. We can stream the process of your boost or provide screenshots at your request.
As for your account safety, we offer premium VPN servers of your Country / City.

Before your hero starts to dominate through the wonderful World of Warcraft you have to go through hours or days of leveling? Just got back to the game or it’s time for one of your alts to be leveled? You got stuck on half way through leveling days or months ago and you just can’t find that time or patience to finish it already? Or you maybe don’t even need that hero leveled, but there is no other way to get that awesome Heritage armor? You probably can’t even remember how many times there was a leveling on your way and you had to do it over and over with every expansion. Let’s face it, there is so much reasons for buying leveling. Luckily for you, Boosting House is here to help you. We will get it for you while you are sleeping, working or out with family and friends. You won’t even notice we were there.
Fastest, cheapest, safest.


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